Travis Psycho
Educational Services,Inc.


(407) 644-1522


Generally, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is linked with childhood, but it’s important to understand that this condition doesn’t magically disappear with age. As a matter of fact, many adults continue to face the challenges posed by ADHD without even realizing it.

So, considering the above point, today in this blog, we will understand ADHD in adults and the importance of ADHD Screening For Adults Orlando, which ensures an accurate diagnosis and effective management.

About ADHD in adults


ADHD is not a condition that is specific to childhood, as for many individuals, this condition persists in their adulthood too. Furthermore, the symptoms of this condition in adults may differ from what is typically noticed in children. Generally, signs of hyperactivity might diminish, but difficulties with organization, attention, and impulse control persist even in adulthood and can impact several aspects of life.

Signs and symptoms of ADHD


Identifying the signs of ADHD in adults requires an understanding of common signs and symptoms that include the following:

  • Adults with ADHD often struggle to pay attention to tasks, which often leads to incomplete projects and a sense of underachievement.
  • Disorganization in personal spaces, work, and daily routines is another sign of ADHD.
  • Impulsive behavior, like making decisions without any consideration, is also a sign of adult ADHD.
  • Adults with ADHD have difficulty initiating tasks and procrastinating.

Significance Of Early Screening


Early screening is essential for adults suffering from ADHD as it helps with timely intervention and support. Further, as the screening process includes a combination of interviews, self-assessment tools, and observations, individuals must approach ADHD Screening For Adults Orlando with an open mind, as ADHD displays unique signs and symptoms in each individual.


Understanding ADHD Screening

1) Self-assessment

Generally, individuals make use of the self-assessment tools available to determine the potential ADHD symptoms. These tools are able to provide some valuable insights that can be used for further discussion with healthcare professionals.

Quick Fact: One must remember NOT to use self-assessment tools as a substitute for professional evaluation. Self-Assessments should only be used as information, not diagnosis.


2) Clinical evaluation

Apart from self-assessment, a detailed clinical evaluation by a professional such as a psychologist or psychiatrist necessary for an accurate diagnosis. The comprehensive evaluation may include norm-referenced objective measures such as Conners’ CPT tests, a review of medical history, interviews, and information from close associates and family members.


3) Determine other overlapping conditions

There are situations where the symptoms of ADHD might overlap with other conditions like depression and anxiety. With the help of thorough screening, all other potential causes can be determined, and an effective treatment plan can be created.

Managing ADHD with a holistic approach

ADHD, once determined, can be managed. However, in the case of adult ADHD, it is recommended that a holistic approach be followed, which is beyond medication. This includes modifications in lifestyle, support networks, and therapy. These can   be enhanced with a structured and guided digital brain training program backed by controlled research studies like COGMED. Further, educating oneself and the people around you about ADHD helps to foster an understanding and create an environment for effective management.


Determining ADHD in adults is an step by step process that begins with awareness and leads to a detailed screening and management. By determining the signs and addressing the challenges in time, adults with ADHD can move towards improved well-being. Further, if you are looking for a reliable provider of ADHD Screening For Adults Orlando, consider contacting Travis Psycho Educational Services, Inc. and invest in a productive and fulfilling life.