Travis Psycho
Educational Services,Inc.


(407) 644-1522


Is your child intelligent but a little confused? Or Does he struggle to follow instructions at school? If so, he’s may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, there is no need to worry at all. Now, it can be treated. Currently, the field is evolving swiftly, and ensuring optimal development of young minds is paramount. Parents and educators alike are on a perpetual quest to discover practical tools that enhance cognitive abilities in children.

One powerful pathway for this journey is Cogmed, a cognitive training program designed to empower young minds and unlock their full potential. Here in this blog, we are going to discuss how Cogmed for Children in Orlando benefits children and empowers their talent.

Benefits for Children

Cogmed Training – What Does it Mean?

Imagine giving your child a powerful tool to boost their brain power; that’s exactly what Cogmed does. It’s like a gym for the mind, scientifically designed to enhance a crucial aspect of thinking called working memory. It is the mental powerhouse responsible for holding and playing around with information in your head.

Now, what sets Cogmed apart is its approach. Unlike the usual classroom methods, Cogmed doesn’t just teach facts and figures. Instead, it sharpens the fundamental skills your child needs for top-notch learning and problem-solving.

How Does Cogmed Work?

Cogmed doesn’t just stop at theory – it’s hands-on and interactive. Imagine your child engages in a set of interesting computer activities that adapt to their abilities. These tasks are like puzzles designed to tease and train the brain’s working memory, the mental wizard behind storing and manipulating information.

Cogmed isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. It’s intelligent and flexible. Your child isn’t pushed too hard or held back; the program adjusts to their speed. It’s like having a personal coach for their brain, customizing the training to match what suits them best. So, as they tackle these tasks, their working memory gets a gradual boost, setting them up for success.

Benefits of Cogmed for Children

Increased Academic Performance

Cogmed makes a big difference in how well kids do in school. It’s like giving their brains a superpower! By making their working memory sharper, they can understand and remember things better. It helps a lot, especially in subjects like math and language arts, where thinking and remembering a lot of stuff is essential.

Increased Focus and Attention

Cogmed does something really cool as it helps kids concentrate better. As their working memory gets stronger, they can pay attention more, whether they’re in class or doing stuff outside of it. It’s like giving them super focus power. It means they can learn better because their attention span is more vital, making school and other activities a bit easier.

Boosted Problem-Solving Skills

Solving problems is really important in life, and Cogmed is a key factor in helping kids develop this skill. It boosts their working memory, which means they can handle problems more easily.

Building Confidence and Self-Esteem

When kids use Cogmed and see improvements in their thinking skills, it naturally boosts their confidence in both school and personal tasks. An increase in self-esteem can have a positive impact on their overall happiness and how they interact with others.

In conclusion

For parents and educators who are looking to empower young minds, Cogmed for Children in Orlando has proved a beacon of hope for them. This innovative training program primarily focuses on elevating working memory, ensuring the way for robust academic performance and a wide range of lifelong cognitive benefits. Thus, if any of your children are struggling with memory-related issues, come to Travis Psycho Educational Services, where we offer the proper guidance to treat such concerns.